Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Ford Fiesta lives on, as the Fiesta Classic!

2011 Ford Fiesta Classic

The brand new 2012 Ford Fiesta is all set to hit Indian shores shortly and along with that, many including yours truly were wondering what would happen to existing Ford Fiesta version. Ford India has now come out in the open and allayed all the fears about the Fiesta going out of production by doing an Ikon reprise. Yes, just as the Ford Ikon continues to soldier on even as it’s replacement, the Ford Fiesta started selling in India.

Similarly, the old Ford Fiesta will continue to sell alongside the new model, albeit in a rebranded avatar, and will now be called the Ford Fiesta Classic. Now, will Ford India chop off the Fiesta Classic’s prices and reposition the car as a VFM mid segment sedan alternative. Well, this just might happen in the coming days, making the Ford Fiesta Classic a terrific VFM buy for all those in the market for a solidly built, taut handling sedan with a rorty petrol or a frugal diesel engine.

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